I am finding it difficult to process arduino nano IOT 33 IMU data without a USB cable. I was able to use IOT cloud but difficult to see the data coming in like in serial monitor for onward processing.
The task is to mount the nano IOT 33 with a battery or power bank on a machine. Then access the board wirelessly and obtain its accelerometer data in real-time for FFT, graphs, etc.
You want to transmit data from a microcontroller to the Arduino serial monitor?
One could run, on a PC, MQTT Broker. One could run PubSubClient on a microcontroller. The microcontroller could transmit its data to the MQTT Broker. One could then use Node-Red to access, graphically, the MQTT Broker info and display it on a screen.
Thanks for your inputs. I have been trying to look at the software mentioned above via internet because I have not heard about it before now. it worth trying though. Can you suggest other simpler way(s).