Hello dear arduino community,
I recently ordered a 10DoF IMU, so when I received the IMU I sent him an email and asked for a datasheet for this particular chip. And it turned out that he had none, neither did he have the name of the chip.
However, I made some research on the net and it turned out it was a GY-80. Exactly the same look and same sensors.
The sensors included are
L3G4200D + the ADXL345 + HMC5883L + BMP085
I am in need of some help right now. Since I do not have a datasheet I do not know how to configure it.
When I want to configure it with I2C, should I assume that I do it for each of the sensors, I know that there are codes for each of the sensors in I2CDEV lib. or must I first configure the IMU board (gy-80) and then each sensor separately?
And atlast one more question, since it says: "Build-in Regulator and Logic converter to support all (3.3V/5.0V) all types of microcontrollers", I do not need any pullups or such, to compensate for the voltage output from the Arduino?
Some links:
GY-80 (another link): http://www.logictoyz.com/development-board/gy-80-imu-10dof-9-axis-bmp085-3-axis-magnetic-field-acceleration-gyroscope-atmospheric-pressure-module-4-axis-flight-control-l3g4200d-adxl345-hmc5883-bmp085-multiwii-mwc-arduino.html
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