IMU Position of a Still Object

Is it possible to calculate the position of a still object only using IMU (MPU6050)
Please guide me through the same

A still object remains at its previous position. Too bad if you don't know that position.

Position with respect to what?

Can you explain your project.

The IMU can tell you using accelerometers the orientation of the object with respect to the earths gravitational field, but not position in space.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

No, not possible.

Well, if an IMU knows where it is initially, it can estimate its subsequent position by integrating the accelerations and rotations around its axes. But it has to know where it starts. But the estimate is noisy and subject to drift so not accurate for very long. There are techniques using Kalman filters etc to minimise the effects of drift and there are Arduino libraries available to implement them. You should read up on Inertial Navigation (IN).

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