Hi guys,
I am new to Arduino and I hope the arduino community could provide me support and guidance for my development
I started myself to do simple project, I am doing a traffic light project, i write the code down and fix few errors, however, couple of these errors i can't seem to locate the problem, I am sure i miss something simple, this is what the error said
In function 'void loop()': & error: expected ')' before ';' token
#define Button 13
#define northRed 10
#define northYellow 11
#define northGreen 12
#define southRed 5
#define southYellow 6
#define southGreen 7
void setup() {
 Serial.begin(9600); //intialiasing serial monitor
 pinMode(Button, INPUT);
 //Sensor pinMode (priSensor, INPUT);
 pinMode(northRed, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(northYellow, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(northGreen, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(southRed, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(southYellow, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(southGreen, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(southGreen, HIGH);
digitalWrite (northRed, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(Button == HIGH))
 digitalWrite (southGreen, LOW);
 digitalWrite (southYellow, HIGH);
 digitalWrite (northRed, LOW);
 digitalWrite (northYellow, HIGH;
 digitalWrite (southRed, HIGH);
 digitalWrite (northGreen, HIGH);