In over my head with WiFi project using ESP-01 and WiFiESP library


I built a new "barebone" based on the ATMEGA1284. All that memory opens new doors for an older project.

The updates, based on having more memory include having the controller on line via WiFi. Because it is based on my barebone board, with all the necessary sensor hardware, I need a WiFi module. I looked at the ESP-05 (external antenna could be a plus) and am currently developing and testing with an ESP-01.

The libraries I found seem to be for the ESP8266 board or the WiFi shield. I found the WiFiESP library and the documentation on how to wire everything at:
Cheap Arduino WiFi Shield

That library and the hardware description work and I was feeling good about my project. Until last night...

Because the web page provides the logging data too, it could easily be 10 or 20 KB in size. The ESP-01 I have works fine at 115200 baud so 10K should only take about a second..... WRONG! My first attempt was 120 seconds. I shortened the buffer, sending more packages, and it went up to nearly 5 minutes! Throwing a 512byte Buffer at the problem reduced it to about 11 seconds... The number of packages sent is apparently the problem, not the data volume.

The problem seems to be that this library sends data by first sending AT+CIPSEND=x,y and then waiting for a response which ends in ">". WHATEVER that means???

I looked at the standard WiFi library code and it appears to get by without the AT command and waiting for the response.

I'm in over my head. Is there a better way to connect an ESP module to a barebone and send 10 or 20K of HTML faster? The problem is NOT the baud rate or serial at all. I verified my theory of 10K in 1 second by printing to the serial monitor. I believe the problem is that AT command and waiting for the response.

Any suggestions? Is there a better library? Whatever library I use, I will need Client, Server, and UDP/NTP capabilities. All of which WiFiESP provides - if only sending large chunks of HTML weren't so slow...
