INA219 Only gives start values

Hello everyone,
I have a weird problem with my INA219 where it only gives out the starting values in the serial monitor.
It has worked two times so far, but only for a few seconds.
Can someone help me with this?

Hello everyone,
I have a weird problem with my INA219 where it only gives out the starting values in the serial monitor.
It has worked two times so far, but only for a few seconds.
Can someone help me with this?

Are you dealing with the TI chip, or a breakout board?

Is it connected to an Arduino? Which one?

How is it connected?

Do you have a program you are using with it? Why not let us see it?


I am using a breakout board, on an arduino nano, its connected vith an prototype pcb and i am just using the serial monitor of the arduino software to watch the voltage readings. I also just used the normal code for testing.

I am using a breakout board, on an arduino nano, its connected vith an prototype pcb and i am just using the serial monitor of the arduino software to watch the voltage readings. I also just used the normal code for testing.

I am guessing. How are you powering the Arduino and are you getting the 5 volts for the breakout board for the same Arduino.


i am currently powering the arduino via usb, i have the negative of the arduino connected with the negative of the load, and have the power suply input on vin+, and the + of the load on the vin+ of the INA219. I am planning to use an voltage regulator on the load to use as an input for my arduino.

Post a diagram.

The INA219 is designed to measure a load high-side (in the + line), not in the ground line.
Maybe that's your problem.

I just desoldereed my INA219 from my proto pcb, and i saw that the copper pads were a bit messed up, so i resoldered and now it doesnt do anything. Just bought a new one from aliexpress, so i will hope that one works. (probably gonna test that one first with my arduino uno)
Thnx for helping and i will keep you up to date.

Jorik G.