I've created my own library (AvinoLib) which resides in the project folder of the sketch in question. I include it using quotes since it's local to the project folder.
// include the LCD library code:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <hd44780.h> // main hd44780 header
#include <hd44780ioClass/hd44780_I2Cexp.h> // i2c expander i/o class header
#include "AvinoLib.h"
// Set the pins used
#define cardSelect 4
#define BAG1 A2 // Bag1 input, LED connected to pin A2
There is also a version in my library path, but I don't think that's the issue because I don't get a "file not found" error on the library file. Inside the .h file I have the function in question, getSmoothedSample():
class AvinoLib {
uint8_t analogPin;
// Constructor of the library class
// Gets a smoothed sample
float getSmoothedSample(uint8_t analogPin);
I also have it in the .cpp file, which is in the same directory:
float AvinoLib::getSmoothedSample(uint8_t analogPin){
const uint8_t nReads = 10; //gather 10 readings each time we "sample"
uint8_t pauseTime = 10; //us to delay between samples
But when I try to compile, I get an error that getSmoothedSample is not declared in this scope. Here's the code:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
// include the LCD library code:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <hd44780.h> // main hd44780 header
#include <hd44780ioClass/hd44780_I2Cexp.h> // i2c expander i/o class header
#include "AvinoLib.h"
#define VAC_CTRL 1 // Vacuum on/off input connected to pin D1
#define FILL_MODE 5 // Fill mode input connected to pin D5
#define GREEN_LED 8
#define DiffP A1 //input connected to A1
hd44780_I2Cexp lcd; // declare lcd object: auto locate & auto config expander chip
// Set things up
void setup() {
int LCDstatus;
// connect serial at 115200
Serial.println("\r\Adalogger M0 test");
// set up the LCD
LCDstatus = lcd.begin(20, 4); // our display has 16 cols, 2 rows
if(LCDstatus) // non zero status means it was unsuccesful
// hd44780 has a fatalError() routine that blinks an led if possible
// begin() failed so blink error code using the onboard LED if possible
hd44780::fatalError(LCDstatus); // does not return
lcd.print("Adalogger M0 test"); //say hi to the LCD.
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); //go to next line
pinMode(GREEN_LED, OUTPUT); //Green LED next to SD card
pinMode(FILL_MODE, INPUT); //on/off switch is an input
void loop() {
if(digitalRead(FILL_MODE)) {
lcd.print("Sampling"); //show status on LCD.
digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, HIGH);
else {
lcd.print("Standby"); //show status on LCD.
digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, LOW);
What's weird is that this library and the function worked fine a few days ago on a different computer. Any thoughts?