Hello everybody, this is my first post, so I want to apologise if I will make any mistakes or I won't explain my problem good enough.
So, a few days back I bought a 16x02 i2c lcd display, and I managed to make it work doing like in the link below, with the same library(LiquidCrystal_V1.2.1).
I used the exemple posted in the first post, and I used the same instructions/functions for my project and it worked perfectly!
After this, I tried to make a few modifications to my code, but nothing about the lcd instructions and I think I updated the LCD library, as the compiler said there are updates available.
From this point, I couldn't run my project, nor the exemple anymore.
I thought the problem was that update for the library, so I deleted it and reinstalled the original library, but the error persisted.
This is the error:
Arduino: 1.6.7 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"
C:\Users\sam\Desktop\Arduino\libraries\LiquidCrystal\I2CIO.cpp:35:26: fatal error: ../Wire/Wire.h: No such file or directory
#include <../Wire/Wire.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling.
And this is the exemple I used from that link:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LCD.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#define I2C_ADDR 0x3F // <<----- Add your address here. Find it from I2C Scanner
#define En_pin 2
#define Rw_pin 1
#define Rs_pin 0
#define D4_pin 4
#define D5_pin 5
#define D6_pin 6
#define D7_pin 7
int n = 1;
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(I2C_ADDR,En_pin,Rw_pin,Rs_pin,D4_pin,D5_pin,D6_pin,D7_pin);
void setup()
lcd.begin (16,2); // <<----- My LCD was 16x2
// Switch on the backlight
lcd.home (); // go home
void loop()
// Backlight on/off every 3 seconds
lcd.setCursor (0,1); // go to start of 2nd line
lcd.setBacklight(LOW); // Backlight off
lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); // Backlight on
I searched a lot but i couldn't find a proper solution for this, does anyone know what I should do to make it work again?
PS: I want to mention that I still have the code running in my board, because after that, I couldn't make it compile again, so no chance to upload it.