I found this library for NMEA-parsing on the Arduino: http://www.maartenlamers.com/nmea/
I downloaded it and extracted it to the location
That folder included a file that has the name nmea.h
I then opened the example-file gprmc_position in the Arduino IDE software and clicked "Verify". It failed, highlighting the code line saying
#include <nmea.h>
(the full error message is long and not seemingly relevant)
Didn't I put the nmea.h file in the right place?
The website sure thinks I did, quoting:
"To use the library, download the zipped file below. It contains a directory named 'NMEA'. Copy it into the 'libraries' folder under your Wiring/Arduino installation directory. Then restart the Wiring/Arduino programming environment."
To get that sketch to compile add the following to the beginning of the sketch
#include <wprogram.h>
Also, you either will need to rename all instances of Serial1 to Serial, or replace that with the software serial library.
You may also want to look at another very nice nmea parser discussed in a thread here: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1220890404/40
Thank you
Funny they didn't make the example workable without modding.
I just wanted to mention that I have released my GPS library today: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1233298045/0#0.
PS @mem: thanks for the referral