Incomplete Uploading, Please Help!

I am compiling the sketch CameraWebServer.ino with FTDI232 USB to TTL Serial Adapter Module programmer and ESP32-CAM board with an ESP32-S chip. I defined CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER in my sketch and loaded AI_THINKER ESP32_CAM board from the Board Manager. I had already renamed USB Serial CH340 Port to Port 10 and selected the same Port from IDE tools. Please help me with the following error, as I am a new enthusiast and have spend numerous days in trying to accomplish this project, Thank you profusily.

Sketch uses 1470977 bytes (46%) of program storage space. Maximum is 3145728 bytes.
Global variables use 65568 bytes (20%) of dynamic memory, leaving 262112 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes. v4.2.1
Serial port COM10
Connecting...Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 34, in
File "", line 1004, in main
File "esptool_init
.py", line 646, in main
File "", line 895, in get_default_connected_device
File "esptool\", line 631, in connect
File "esptool\", line 572, in _connect_attempt
File "esptool\", line 435, in sync
File "esptool\", line 365, in command
File "esptool\", line 317, in write
File "serial\", line 325, in write
serial.serialutil.SerialTimeoutException: Write timeout
[19460] Failed to execute sc
ript 'esptool' due to unhandled exception!
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1

Are you sure you did that right? Because it seems that there is no ESP32 answering on that port.

Something does not sound right. FTDI232 vs CH340.

I'm not familiar with your board; doesn't it have a built-in adapter? If it has, why the FTDI?

Thank you for your follow up. USB Serial CH340 Port was hidden and had to activate view to see it in the Device manager. I then renamed it as Port 10 under properties advanced, since that was one of three options shown in Arduino IDE. All three were shown used in the Device Manager. I also notice that there is a Port named Standard Serial over bluetooth link (10). If I disable that one, I do not get any output after uploading. I appreciate hearing any of your comments..

ESP32-CAM does not have a MicroUSB or USB-C connector, so we are required to use an FTDI adapter to convert our USB signals to TTL-level signals for the ESP32.

Are you using a USB hub?

OK, so a FTDI adapter, Why fiddle with a CH340 in windows device manager in that case?

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