I was trying to use a formaldehyde sensor to detect vaping emissions but as I was watching the sensor values when not exposed to formaldehyde they were very inconsistent. They went in waves from values of about 130 to 35. I am trying to make a light turn on after it gets above a certain level, so consistency is very important for this project.
Thanks for any help!
What formaldehyde sensor?
If this sensor is set up on a breadboard, you might want to check the connections of your ground connection and possible resistor if it calls for one.
Gabriel Peck
Not much information provided.......
Assumption: you are using an Arduino to measure the sensor.
If the sensor is actually varying then there is not much you can do. If the variations are cyclic perhaps averaging a lot of readings might help.
If there is noise on the signal you might try to filter the signal before it gets to the Arduino analog input pin.
Only guesses, need add'l information to be of further help.