I am having an issue with a received mqtt topic value and I think it might be due to the int conversion below:
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
int value = String((char*) payload).toInt();
String topicString = String(topic);
Serial.print("Message arrived [");
Serial.print("] ");
Serial.print("Value [");
Serial.print("] ");
The problem is that I can always see the correct via mqtt explorer, i.e. 5000 but sometimes (not always) my value is read as 50000.
As a work around I am just diving by 10 if the value is > 10000 but that's not right, I need to fix the value conversion, can someone see anything wrong with that? Or suggest alternatives?
Not sure if it is the cause but I see an extra t at the end?
[13:37:55]] Extending for 5000 msMessage arrived [home/left-recliner/extend] Payload [50000t
[13:37:55]] Value [50000
50000t is the result of printing the payload it seems.
I send the payload via Home Assistant to the mqtt topic.
Sometimes it even gets 500000 instead of the 5000 value:
[13:49:31]] Extending for 10000 msMessage arrived [home/left-recliner/extend] Payload [500000
[13:49:31]] Value [500000
And the value is always correct ok in MQTT explorer so I have no idea.
This the raw YAML for HA that I call, maybe I need to formulate my payload differently? Like JSON?: