Good vibes to all of you. I'm developing a robot battle, and I am using a L293D integrated circuit, which after a while heats up when I'm driving via Bluetooth to a HC-05 and Android, is this normal? The battery that I have a 12V 4Ah, as I read in some forums, this IC is not convenient to drive two DC motors, and recommend using the L298N. How possible it is to use the L293D for this project?, of course I have engines that require minimum voltage 6V I believe, are of Power Wheels. Any recommendations about it? Attached diagram I'm following and the Arduino code.
Another issue is that when probrar everything besides the L293D is heated, the engines make noise, I tried to be measured with a multimeter terminals, and the voltage they receive is too little. How I can increase the voltage to the motors?
Buenas vibras tengan todos ustedes. Estoy elaborando un robot de batalla, y estoy utilizando un circuito integrado L293D, el cual después de un tiempo se calienta cuando lo estoy manejando vía bluetooth con un HC-05 y un Android, ¿es esto normal? La batería que tengo es una de 12V a 4Ah, según he leído en algunos foros, este circuito integrado no es conveniente para poder manejar dos motores de corriente directa, y recomiendan utilizar el L298N. ¿Qué tan posible es utilizar el L293D para este proyecto?, desde luego que los motores que tengo demandan mínimo un voltaje de 6V creo, son de Power Wheels. ¿Alguna recomendación al respecto? Adjunto el diagrama que estoy siguiendo y el código Arduino.
Otra cuestión es que al momento de probrar todo, además de que el L293D se calienta, los motores hacen ruido, probé a medir sus terminales con un multímetro, y el voltaje que reciben es muy poco. ¿Cómo puedo aumentar el voltaje a los motores?
Never power a motor from the 5V terminal of the Arduino, as shown in the diagram.
The L298 series is very old technology and is not capable of providing more than about 1 ampere of current continuously. The L293D can provide only 600 mA. Your motors probably require more (you should check the stall current), so the driver is overheating.
Consider a modern motor driver, like one of these.
Is it feasible to use power transistors to operate them? I mean L293D outputs connected to the base of an NPN transistor (say TO220) power to the motor and the emitter finally the collector to source 12V.
¿Es víable utilizar unos transistores de potencia para hacerlos funcionar? Me refiero a conectar las salidas del L293D a la base de un transistor de potencia NPN (dígase TO220), el emisor al motor y por último, el colector a la fuente de 12V.
The 293's pin 8 is the input for the motors' voltage: you have that hooked up to the Arduino 5V. You should apply the correct voltage to that pin, and bear in mind you will lose about 2V through the 293.
Have a look at the attached schematic; apply the correct voltage to pin 8, not necessarily 9V as I show.
Absolutely counter-productive to provide a wrong diagram - you'll just get a wrong answer!
The only way to use those darlington chips efficiently is with a high voltage low current
motor, say 24V 0.4A or similar, otherwise a large proportion of the power is dumped
directly into the chip - about 2 to 2.5V is lost to darlington drivers, so the lower the
system voltage the greater the waste.