First off, I will state that I have absolutely no experience in Arduino or programming for that matter (I'm not tech savvy at all actually). With this in mind, I had an idea for a project but I wanted to ask you guys if it was feasible before I order all of parts.
For my project, I want to track a person's movement on a plane (x & y axis). To be exact, I want to track the person's foot placement, which means ultrasonic distance sensors will not be applicable. The maximum range I need to track is 35 feet (x) by 45 feet (y). I was looking into an active (or semi active) RFID tag but was unsure if accurate distances can be determined (by possible time of flight?) but I recognize there are many, many variables that can interfere with this signal. Additionally, this person will be moving extensively so there will need to be a high scan rate (ruling out gps). Would RFID be possible with this? Do you have any other ideas that may work, or is this simply not feasible?
Thank you in advance for your consideration and patience dealing with my lack of knowledge on this subject.