InduinoX - New Board in the Making

Hi all,

This our new board in making - The InduinoX - An Arduino Duemilanove based development board.

On-Board Features include

  • RTC - DS1307
  • RGB LED - Common Cathode Type
  • TSOP
  • 3 x LEDS [the LED on the 13th pin is now enabled with a jumper]
  • LDR
  • IR LED
  • 3 x Tactile Switches

We intend this board to be a single board experimenter. All feedback, questions and suggestions welcome. :slight_smile:

looks good, but i have three suggestions:

  1. Power
    How about adding a JST Connector instead of that round one? I found it easier handling JST stuff than any other solution ever. With such a plug, like in the duemilanove, you would have always rely on certain hardware but with a JST you could use whatever is available (most of the time anyway)

  2. Spacing
    Looks like your board is Shield compatible: How about adding a second row of holes or headers to make it prototype board compatible? this would ease experimenting a lot.

  3. USB
    I always liked Miniusb more. This is just a personal opinion, but this might be more useful and prototyping friendly as the port you use is quite high...

  4. Jumpers
    Why not using switches like the Seeeduinos do?

  5. Auto Reset
    Is it disableble?

But besides these suggestions the board looks very good for beginners!

I always liked Miniusb more.

I agree.

I have more mini USB cables around and only one USB-B.

Hi Nachwind,

Thanks for the suggestions... here are some pointers

  1. Power - most standard adapters available here come ready for the socket. JST would require the end user to do something to a standard adapter - which is exactly what we dont want with new users :wink: We will be providing adapters with this board. Infact there will be more in the package.

  2. Spacing - Nice idea.. will have this noted. As for shield compatibility, this pilot version will not be compatible with shields that plug on icsp pins of the arduino as there is a minor mis-match in the alignments of the icsp pins. This will be rectified in the actual version.

  3. USB - Well the USB Cables for this type of connectors are more easily available. in addition, this is the cable that comes with most modems in india.

  4. Jumpers -

Why not using switches like the Seeeduinos do?

Spacing + Cost
5)Auto Reset - No it cannot be disabled. Is it better to have this selectable? why so?

Selectable Auto Reset
Sometimes you want to read Values from over serial without restarting the Arduino (at least i do that sometimes). In that case Auto Reset can be a PITA. Also for debugging it can be handy to turn it off to see, for example, why the code is hanging at a certain time and so on..

Will add auto-reset with a jumper in the final version. Thanks!

Battery backup for the RTC? Maybe I'm missing it in the pics.

Package will have a 9v battery snapper with a dc jack that can plug into the power jack barrell.

I think what he meant is a 3v3 battery mount on it to ensure the continuus work of the RTC in case someone removes the 9V block.
Sounds reasonable and space should be there for a CR2032

One thing i am wondering is: How do you do USB/Serial? Cant see no chip for that?

I think what he meant is a 3v3 battery mount on it to ensure the continuus work of the RTC in case someone removes the 9V block.

We were thinking that most people would be using it for learning and not actually using the RTC so, we skipped it. perhaps we can add it.

As for USB... Good Old FTDI at the back of the board. :wink:

i guessed you were doing it that way.. so there is space enough for a battery holder ,0)

I notice it has a spot for a power switch, so +1

I notice it has a spot for a power switch

Can add that as well... nice idea...

looks good!

Click here to watch a video of the board in action....

just a simple demo program that uses the on-board TSOP with a sony remote. The board is available for sale @ INR 1100/-