Hi everyone,
I want to monitor an industrial machine when it is working and send its data its data to my pc and watch it in exel for example when it stops,starts... .I want to do this by arduino .
Please reply me as soon as possible.
First thing, if you just want someone to write a program for you then you should ask in the Gigs and Collaboration section and be prepared to pay.
Second thing, if this monitoring has any real commercial value such that its failure would be unacceptable then maybe you should be getting a professional to design and build it.
if you want to do the programming yourself you need to provide a great deal more information.
- What is your programming and Arduino experience?
- What is the machine?
- How can you detect the information that you wish to monitor?
- Where is the machine, and where is your PC?
- How do you propose to transfer the data from one to the other?
- Do you want to see the stops and starts in real time (as they happen) or do you just want to revue the data once a day or one a week?
We need more detail on how this industrial machine connected to PC? what data it send?
Arduino can't run excel, how you want it to display?
These are way too few information to give a good advice.
To start with some information gathering:
- do you have already an idea how to access the data from the machine, i.e. do you have a kind of interface with a special communication protocol which has access to the data stream?
- do you have an information what is happening when the machine starts / stops sending data - is there some "idle protocol" on the data line which could be interpreted by the watching arduino as Start/Stop signals?
- Do you have already an Arduino and if so, what type?
- How do you want to monitor the events of the industrial machine -> do you want to have the information on a monitor, a buzzer, an LCD display, a 7segment display, remotely accessible information via the Internet, trigger another application, based on the type of observed event etc. etc.
While typing, two more people came up with almost identical questions.
It would be far more efficient when everybody, who starts a new thread would read the forum rules and be a bit more emphatic and step into the shoes of the potential supporters and think what they would need at a minimum to better understand your challenge and thus step in more timely with more helpful advice ...
Thanks for replying
I want to monitor the machine behaveior through serial port and a software i just need a software to show me when it starts to work or stops and it should be flexible so i can add more features to it
Thanks for replying
I want to monitor the machine behaveior through serial port and a software i just need a software to show me when it starts to work or stops and it should be flexible so i can add more features to it
Bad idea.
Connections to machines by tinkerers can create failure points that can cause expensive repairs or even machine malfunction. People could get hurt by spurious signals being introduced.
Bad idea.Connections to machines by tinkerers can create failure points that can cause expensive repairs or even machine malfunction. People could get hurt by spurious signals being introduced.
no reason you cannot 'see' when an LED comes on,
use opto-isolators so you have NOTHING connected between the two things.
connecting a ground or a 5v or some such and cause failures that have no easy way to track or repair.
connecting a new path to ground, on an isolated ground would compromise that isolation and cause damage to things that are totally un-related.
There are almost as many ways for non-invasive readings as there are for direct connections.
the more people involved the more layers of protection should be used.
take it from a guy who shut down a nylon machine in 30 seconds and ruined what I was told a $10,000 a minute of production. it took between 3 to 7 minutes to recover as all I did was a process up-set, but the amount of scrap product was immense.
IIRC, it was on nylon machine #3. that is not #3 at that plant, but the 3rd machine on the planet, made in the 1930's and AFAIK, is still in operation today.
Thanks for replying
I want to monitor the machine behaveior through serial port and a software i just need a software to show me when it starts to work or stops and it should be flexible so i can add more features to it
This sounds like you did not read the earlier replies carefully.
How about answering the questions? (I counted about 12 - but there may be some duplications).
1-I don't have much experience in arduino.
2-it is a product line which has 7 machines(pressing,robots...) that I can get a wire from everyone with any voltage.the signal from wire can be a pulse or fixed.
3-I didn't understand what you mean.
4-about the place of and machines I can send you a file to see that.
5-I want the starts and stops in real time.
I use pxl-daq(software) but I couldn't program the arduino.you can download pxl from internet.
if it is possible download it maybe you can program it.
the data between arduino and pc should be with serial port.
it is noncommercial,but it is something simple I think so I want your help and the others to do it.
I don't want to pay for something which I can do on myself and with your and the others help.
... a product line with 7 machines
it is noncommercial,but it is something simple I think so I want your help and the others to do it.
I don't want to pay for something which I can do on myself and with your and the others help.
Is contradictory.
The forum does not write software, for anyone. We have been known to refer to examples and links to study materials.
Applications that are automotive control, HV electrical projects, and industrial-based control are liabilities - we cannot assist.
You could post in the help-wanted section of the forum for programmers/engineers that are licensed, bonded, and insured.
3-I didn't understand what you mean.
I meant for you to tell us what signal is available on the machine that the Arduino can use to detect whether or not the machine is running. You know about your machines. We don't,
4-about the place of and machines I can send you a file to see that.
You seem to have forgotten to post the attachment. (I do not want to receive it privately).
if it is possible download it maybe you can program it.
If you mean the word "you" literally then I am sorry to disappoint you - I will not be programming it.
the data between arduino and pc should be with serial port.
That implies that the PC is no more than 2 metres from the Arduino. How far is the Arduino from the machines you want to monitor - 7 machines suggests a lot of real-estate.