Ive building up a block of code based on others work, to read a pressure sensor and apply a basic Kalman filter. So far so good. All works nicely ( although I'd love to find the tuning guide for the Kalman variables!).
To improve accuracy i want to take an average of n initial pressure readings, which is then used later on in the code to calculate altitude. Eventually this code will be use to trigger states based on altitude.
My question is, once i include the averaging code, it all collapses. see Lines 42-58. It looks like a math problem, but not sure what or how to fix it. All help greatly appreciated!
// this works- with 1D Kalman filter!
MS5611 Barometric Pressure & Temperature Sensor. Simple Example
Read more: http://www.jarzebski.pl/arduino/czujniki-i-sensory/czujnik-cisnienia-i-temperatury-ms5611.html
GIT: https://github.com/jarzebski/Arduino-MS5611
Web: http://www.jarzebski.pl
(c) 2014 by Korneliusz Jarzebski
Kalman from: https://github.com/bachagas/Kalman
#include <Wire.h>
#include <MS5611.h>
#include <Kalman.h>
float filteredAltitude;
// initial values Kalman myfilter(1.025,32,1023,0);
Kalman myFilter(1.0125,20,1023,0); //suggested initial values for high noise filtering
MS5611 ms5611;
double referencePressure;
unsigned long prevMillis;
unsigned long currentMillis;
const int pause = 10;
void setup()
// Initialize MS5611 sensor
Serial.println("Initialize MS5611 Sensor");
Serial.println("Could not find a valid MS5611 sensor, check wiring!");
// Get reference pressure for relative altitude
// this bit added to average n readings for initial pressure reference reading
float AveragePressure = 0;
const int NumMeasurements = 10 ;
for(int i = 0; i < NumMeasurements ; ++i)
AveragePressure += ms5611.readPressure();
delay(1); // this needs to be removed for delay free code!
//AverageTemperature /= MeasurementsToAverage; old code- example was temp
referencePressure /= NumMeasurements;
// origional code took one reading only:
//referencePressure = ms5611.readPressure();
// Check settings
void checkSettings()
Serial.print("Oversampling: ");
void loop()
currentMillis= millis();
if (currentMillis-prevMillis >= pause) {
// Read raw values
uint32_t rawTemp = ms5611.readRawTemperature();
uint32_t rawPressure = ms5611.readRawPressure();
// Read true temperature & Pressure
double realTemperature = ms5611.readTemperature();
long realPressure = ms5611.readPressure();
// Calculate altitude
float absoluteAltitude = ms5611.getAltitude(realPressure);
float relativeAltitude = ms5611.getAltitude(realPressure, referencePressure);
filteredAltitude = myFilter.getFilteredValue(relativeAltitude);
//Serial.print(" rawTemp = ");
//Serial.print(", realTemp = ");
//Serial.println(" *C");
//Serial.print(" rawPressure = ");
//Serial.print(", realPressure = ");
//Serial.println(" Pa");
//Serial.print(" absoluteAltitude = ");
//Serial.print(" m, relativeAltitude = ");
//Serial.println(" m");
//Serial.print( "m, filtered relative alt");
Serial.print(" ");