[INFO] Nicely working USBasp programmer

I don't know if this post can be classified as spam/advertising, I hope not.

I have found a german guy selling USBasp programmers updated to the latest firmware version by himself. Also, the dongles are tested one by one.

He sells his stuff on ebay.

I wrote him a couple of emails, and he responded promptly with a lot of info.
I bought his programmer and I have to admit that it has worked fine from the first shot with my Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V/8Mhz. Wow! :sunglasses:

No error messages, no warnings, no problems in the verification phase.
I'm very satisfied of his work, I hope this post will be useful for somebody else.

Here his website.

BTW: I have also soldered a jumper as suggested by Fischl for slow-clock processors (like my 8Mhz Arduino). After I discovered that it was not strictly necessary: this programmer works fine even without slowing the clock.


How cool is that, I was looking to buy one of these ISP programmers
That's now done!

Latest Fischl's code or code from this topic (usbasp-v1.06-alpha)?:



I picked one of my previous Arduino Pro Mini that I had throw away because was no more possible to upload a sketch on them (the verification phase was always failing because a "content mismatch" error message - something "like "0x00 is not 0x=0C").

I plugged the jumper into the USBasp dongle of the german guy (see above) to slow down the clock.
The upload took a lot of time (20-30 seconds for 32.534 bytes), but then... zero errors. Code was uploaded without problems, and also running with no apparent issues.

I love this USBasp programmer! :wink:

This is exactly same as many Chinese clones from ebay directly from China and cost for less than 2 dollars and postage for free.

You just need to update the FW as @db wrote. It solve obstacles with slow SCK jumper.

Absolutely yes.

The difference is that this german guy has updated them the firmware, and tested it one by one, before selling them.

Before buying it, I also bought a second USBasp programmer for 3 Euro on ebay. From the photos it appeared to be the same model as mine.
Unfortunately, after receiving it, I immediately noticed that the color was not the same and some resistors, as well as other details details, was different.
I immediately tested it, but was not working at all. Now the vendor has sent me another one, I'm waiting for it.

In my opinion, is better to spend a little more money, then wasting time and money in buying 2 or 3 dongles until you get the right one.

Anyway, this is only my opinion. Everybody is free to do what he likes more!

Yes, I agree. It is about quality vs. money.

Once you have one good one, or arduino to use as Arduino as ISP, you can upgrade the firmware yourself on the cheapo ones.

The hardware is almost always fine.