Infrared remote controls LED Multicolour is all ffffffff


I have a question and hope you can help me.

I would like to read out infrared remote controls, that also works quite well with TV remote control, only the LED remote controls multicolor that I want to read, I only get ffffffff, I found this forum entry, but it didn't get me anywhere.

IRremote: Every second value is FFFFFFFF - Using Arduino / Programming Questions - Arduino Forum

I have the code of groundFungus with


The result is:

-> ...ffffffff

The questions now are:

  1. Can I not read this LED remote control multicolor at all?

  2. Do I need a different library?

Ich verwende die IDE 2.2.1 mit einem ESP32 und einem VS18388 IR Sensor und dem Code den auch groundFungus verwendet hat plus meine Ă„nderung.

Why did I do this?
I would like to use the LED remote controls multicolor that I have available for the LED control in WLED, at the moment the correct colors are not reproduced.

If anyone has another idea how I can solve the problem with the LED remote controls multicolor in WLED, I would also be very interested!




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Ir-remote controls use different carrier-frequencies
some 36 kHz, some 38 kHz, some 40 kHz.

The datasheet of the VS1838 mentions 38 kHz

If your LED remote uses a different carrier-frequency it does not work.
You might be able to analyse this with a photodiode or a photo-transistor
though I don't have a schematic at hand what other components are required.

Another option is to by IR-receivers with different carrier-frequencies

best regards Stefan

Hello Stefan,

Thanks for your reply.

Carrier frequencies is probably the key word here.

I thought infrared is always the same and only encoded by the frequency, but it doesn't tell anyone... :sweat_smile:

I have now ordered a TSOP38238, which according to WLED should work with the LED remote controls multicolor.

I'll let you know if I get stuck or if I've solved it.

best regards René

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