Inhaos LCD 2000_7775 pin out problems

I'm trying to hook up an inhaos LCD to a teensy 3.2 and I'm having trouble with the pin out.

My setting file defines these pins from the arduino unit to the screen

#define SCR_CLK 13
#define SCR_DIN 11
#define SCR_DC  A2
#define SCR_CS  A1
#define SCR_RST A0

But my pin out doesn't have pins labeled DIN or DC. Do these pins go by different names maybe?

I'm pretty sure that DIN is data in and DC is data out so I'm thinking these would be mosi and moso respectively

The only help I can offer, is a link to the inhao's product download site for LCD_2000_7775 which includes a .rar file with support files incl. libraries for your display.

I read the instruction but there was no obvious hint how to hook the display to a teensy, only for Mega2560 and Uno. Maybe somebody else with the same hardware configuration might assist you further on.

You could also search this forum with keywords "teensy lcd_2000" - then you might find previous or current discussions going on with similar or same issue.

Good luck.

Actually wiring the screen to the teensy should not be a problem.

I was wondering which pins on the LCD you used?

Can't figure out which pins to use data in and data command or din and dc

Ok I did some searching and found out that SCR_DIN is definitely mosi but I'm still having trouble with The SCR_DC pin which is mode select.

Ok here is a page describing how to hook up a Nokia 5110 screen but I cannot figure out which pin to use on the inhaos LCD for DC=data command or mode select.