I am new to Arduino and working on a project. I am trying to initialize OLED 128X64 4 pins through Arduino UNO but unable to get it initialize. I am using OLED on a PCB where Clock and DATA pins are connected to OLED and also goes to Port Expander MCP2307 as well. I have tried all the codes but unable to get the OLED going.
Do I need to declare Clock and Data pins in the Code or are they declared using I2C library? I have tried all example Codes SSD1306, 1106 none of them are working. Any help?
Start simple. disconnect the 23017, just work with the OLED and the Arduino; run the scanner included with every IDE install, see if it finds the oLED.
It does work without Port Expander as soon as I install OLED back to the PCB it shows nothing.
You should post a datasheet and a picture of your OLED-display.
Some of these displays have an option to use SPI-Bus or I2C-Bus.
On some displays the bus-type must be selected by a solder-pad.