Input-output board using only 2 or 3 wires for Arduino

Ok, I recognize that this project, which is not mine, lacks sufficiently precise technical data here.

Sorry for my broken English.

Best wishes.

Hello, I always gladly answer all questions, whether technical or not. However, I will NEVER answer questions that look like questions, but are actually deliberately intended to discredit my project in the eyes of readers. And that is exactly what happened on the French forum, the "questions" asked by one or more members of this forum were clearly asked with the intention of harming the project. I was also insulted, which could lead me to file a complaint with the French authorities for public insult (penalty for the perpetrator: up to one year in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros). Now, as I can no longer answer on this forum which has been closed (thanks to censorship), I answered all the technical questions asked directly on the Ulule site.

You may still answer the questions I put forth in #16, which are pertinent to your project and also asked in order to allow you to clarify your project. This in turn would help to gain visibility and support for it.

Apart from the negligible odds of French authorities accepting this case, rendering this threat rather ridiculous, I think we can all agree it's particularly bad form to divert questions and criticism by making legal threats. Uncalled for, counter-productive, and ultimately it just acts to discredit you.

The repeated mention of 'censorship' furthermore adds a quasi-political dimension that has no factual basis, nor does it serve any purpose other than to put things on edge.

You're looking for collaborators in a project. Collaboration in general requires a mindset and context that foster a joint effort. I believe there's considerable room for improvement on your end in this regard.

Overall, I cannot shake the feeling that this is some kind of defeatist exercise that's set up to fail, only to be able to conclude that "see, the forum people are really unfriendly and uncollaborative and that's what's wrong with the world these days."

It's all up to you where you take this of course.

I can attest that there is censorship at this forum and J-M-L had part and was outspokenly supportive of it. Absolutely. I don't know what the OP's deal is - crying 'public insult' and decrying censorship is hypocritical - but, definitely, censorship, here, yes.

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Regarding the fact that the project is commercial or not: I repeat, I did not put my project on Ulule to earn money, but to finance part of it, and because I am certain that it will have a use. This kind of project is quite expensive, especially in terms of development time. Do you know many people who are ready to give 6 months of their life to strangers? So yes, it seems quite normal to me that interested people participate at least a little in this project, which is intended for them. Now, if it turns out that too few participants are ready to invest in this project, well I will remove it from the Ulule site. It will not prevent me from continuing, but in this case, this project will become completely commercial.

It depends on how you define censorship. I view censorship as having a distinct political connotation. I've not seen evidence of such on this forum.
If you understand censorship to signify something broader that includes removing content based on e.g. forum rules violation, then yeah, sure.

Thanks for clarifying. So it's a paid job, basically. Once you pay people for their work, it's a commercial activity.

We have now established based on your own input that this is indeed a commercial endeavor.

Go off the rails, man.
Could it be "not-for-profit" or "non-profit"?
I always find it curious the suspicion of "for profit" motive but not "non-profit".

Why would anyone give money or offer to work with someone with that attitude? If you get offended you'll have people jailed? Yeah, good luck finding people who want to work with that.

Certainly doesn't come off as very friendly.

I have a feeling that is why you got a less than warm reception.

Very well, so if I follow your reasoning, I should have written: "well guys you are going to finance my project, but you will not get anything in return. And the map, once finished, you will not be able to use it either, because otherwise it is a commercial project!" Or I could also have said "I am submitting a project to do everything in the world at your expense" (we often see this kind of thing on participatory projects), and use the money to do something completely different. In short, you claim that it is a commercial project, that is your opinion. For me, it is a collaborative project, since donors will have financially participated in this project, for a perfectly determined project, and they will get a very tangible result from it at the end.

DĂ©solĂ© si je ne suis pas le meilleur en communication, ce que je fais plutĂŽt bien c'est produire des cartes Ă©lectroniques qui fonctionnent et facilitent la vie des gens. Alors peut-ĂȘtre que je me suis mal exprimĂ©, mais trĂšs honnĂȘtement je n'ai pas Ă©tĂ© beaucoup aidĂ© par l'attitude de certaines personnes qui se permettent de juger et de briser les autres

That's fair and nothing wrong with it, but why did it take you 3 weeks to explain that you're looking for financial investors in your commercial project?

Now that we've established this, it's up to the people who manage this forum to decide whether your call for financial backing fits the purpose of this forum. I doubt it, but I'm not in charge.

If you can't advertise a technical project (which is aimed at people who do technical stuff) on a technical forum, then where can you advertise it, I ask you?

You have offended me. I am contacting the authorities. How will you comete this project from jail? LOL.

Let’s do the math: 26 weeks at 25 hours a week equals 650 hours. That’s actually not much when you consider the countless hours (thousands) many volunteers here have contributed, assisting complete strangers without any financial reward.

Many volunteers here have also shared their own projects, uploading code, PCB designs, wiring diagrams, and tutorials to help others benefit and replicate their work.

That’s the community spirit we strive to foster here.

From my (and I suspect many other) perspective, it seems like your post may have been intended to drive traffic to your Ulule account in hopes of securing funding rather than purely advertise a technical project.

If that’s not your intention and you’re seeking a genuine technical discussion on the strengths of your design and choices—including the advanced meta commands for your board—let’s keep the focus there.

You mentioned you have a proof-of-concept board. Can you describe the software and the serial communication protocol?

It isn't a fault of communication. You've made it clear how you feel. Anyone who decides to work with you must conatantly worry that if they disagree or question you in a way you don't like then you'll try to have them jailed.

That shows that you really aren't open to any outside opinion or skepticism. That is usually a sign someone is a fraud. You may not be, but I am sure nobody wants to work with someone like that.

  • Local startup ecosystem
  • Apply for whatever government funding is available for innovation (I can assure you there's quite a bit of that in France)
  • Pitch to angel investors
  • Crowdfunding platforms
  • Local bank branch
  • etc.

Basically the same options available to anyone else in the process of starting a new venture. Which is what you're doing, although you don't seem to realize it and seem to believe that you're somehow a special case with the (ultimately) open source ambition and 'community spirit' and whatnot. Newsflash: there's thousands of entrepreneurs at work with exactly the same or similar attitudes. Lots of entrepreneurial activity in the Western world (and beyond) is socially engaged. Heck, it's pretty much the only way these days to qualify for any funding to begin with.

Let's call a spade, a spade.

Giving your opinion is one thing, insulting the project leader is another! On other forums, constructive criticism has already allowed me to integrate a first modification. On the French forum, not only have I been personally attacked without any reason on my skills in developing this card (especially the software part, one wonders why), but some people have also allowed themselves to insinuate that I am trying to collect money and that donors would be scammed in the end. From that moment on, there is no longer any reason for me to return to this forum, which is closed anyway. From now on, I will respond to people REALLY interested directly on the Ulule site. Although I base this project on a small card that I have already made, it only has a few resources and it was only used to demonstrate the feasibility of the project. The communications on the serial port were minimalist, and the protocol for a card of this importance remains to be built entirely. Everything has to be done, both the hardware and the software. I will not reuse anything that was used for the demo board, since even the RTC will be another reference. So I simply cannot give information on something that does not yet exist! There are steps in a development, and I am at the first step: soldering components, and already checking that I have not made any mistakes. The rest on the Ulule site.

@banjo33333 ,

I've moved this topic to jobs and paid consultancy as you are, it seems, doing a commercial project. I invite @pert to review my decision as I'm not completely sure this is the right place for it, but it will do for now.

Your other topic is closed, duplicate topics are not allowed on this forum as they waste the time of the volunteers trying to help. I cannot merge topics in 2 different languages.

What do you want to happen with this topic? Do you want it to continue or is this the end of it? Please advise.

Thank you.

The previous Products and Services is more appropriate because Jobs and Paid Consultancy is to be used when offering payment in return for consultancy, or offering consultancy services for hire.

Perhaps it could be argued that crowdfunding the production of a commercial hardware product is in a gray area between offering a consultancy service (which should be done in Jobs and Paid Consultancy) and advertising a product (which should be done in Products and Services), but I think that in this case it is at least much closer to the latter than the former. The "collaboration" requested here has been exclusively in regards to funding of the project rather than the development.

Your topic in the Français category was closed. Your topic here in the Products and Services category is open, was never at any point closed, and will remain open unless you explicitly request it to be closed. So you are free to continue the civil discussion here if you like.

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I found this about French law regarding “public insult”:

French law makes it a criminal offence to incite hatred, violence or discrimination by provoking a hostile reaction against a person or group of people on the grounds of their origin, membership or non-membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion, their gender, sexual orientation or disability (Article 23, ...

I don’t see any public insult if we go by the legal definition. I do see some criticism, both constructive and otherwise.

If the forum was closed you wouldn’t have been able to post this.