Install IDE 2. on RPi 4 Buster OS

I have IDE 1.8.19 running great on my raspberry pi 4 with buster 11 os...
OK I have read posts, downloaded IDE-2 from Arduino page and have tried to get something that looks good like having a shell script to install but NOTHING.
I'd really like to try 2.0 out and still have 1.8.19 as well...
Can someone cut through all the crap on all of these posts and post simple directions that detail just how to do this...

To my knowledge it's not (yet) officially supported. The second link in below might do the job:

No idea which crap you found. The above link was found using the following search on the forum:


That would be worth noting on your download page as many Pi users are or have tried to install.

| sterretje
December 7 |

  • | - |

To my knowledge it's not (yet) officially supported. The second link in below might do the job:

IDE 2.0.x will not install IDE 2.x

Hi @cnw4rwb. Currently Arduino does not distribute builds of Arduino IDE 2.x for the Linux ARM architecture of your Raspberry Pi. This means that the downloads available on the official "Software" page are expected to not work on the Raspberry Pi. They must be used on an x86 computer. This deficiency is being tracked by the Arduino IDE developers here: If you have a GitHub account, you can subscribe to that issue to get notifications of any new developments related to this subject. There is…


Can someone cut through all the crap on all of these posts and post simple directions that detail just how to do this...

No idea which crap you found. The above link was found using the following search on the forum:

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