installing arduino nano

so guys i just installed arduino nano driver. i already install FTDI chip too. but the arduino still can't comunicates with my laptop. when i try to upload something, there's alwayas note like this ''avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00'. what should i do? should i install this one on the pic below too? i also already tried every board that possibly connect with arduino nano ,Arduino Diecimila, Duemilanove, or Nano w/ ATmega168" or "Arduino Duemilanove or Nano w/ ATmega328" i try all of them but none of them is works.
thanks guys


Some nano clones have a CH340 instead of FTDI USB chip. Can you post a link to where you bought your Nano, or otherwise look at the writing on the big chip on the bottom of the Nano to see which one it is.

Some nano clones have a CH340 instead of FTDI USB chip. Can you post a link to where you bought your Nano, or otherwise look at the writing on the big chip on the bottom of the Nano to see which one it is.

the writing one the ship FTDI mate, so what is the problem?

Pert knows his stuff.

Just because it says ftdi doesnt mean it is.

Hence if you tell him where you got it there is a very good chance he can give you the answer best suited to your needs.

Even pictures may help

There are still a lot of people selling "fake" ftdi's or advertising them as ftdi when its actually a ch340.

Nobody here cares if its a ch340 they will still give you the correct answers and help

Try this:

  • With the Nano not plugged in, open the Tools > Port menu.
  • Close the Tools > Port menu
  • Plug in the Nano
  • Wait a little while
  • Open the Tools > Port menu.
  • If a new port has appeared then that's the Nano and this means that that the driver is correctly installed.