Installing ATtiny board cores on 1.6.4

Hi, I'm trying to install these cores for my ATtiny85.

I know in Arduino 1.6.4 you can use the "Additional Boards Manager URLs", but I have no idea now how to install the file form.

I did drop the unzipped file into my hardware folder, but I keep getting the following error message:

Could not find boards.txt in C:\Users---------\Documents\Arduino\hardware\arduino-tiny-0150-0020\tiny. Is it pre-1.5?

If anyone could help me install this, that'd be great.

Did you download the right version? There is a separate download link for 1.5 (which may work on 1.6). I would recommend avoiding the stupid board manager and installing the cores the normal way.

(See also my sig)

Well, I simply downloaded from the "Download the latest version for Arduino 1.5" link, extracted it, and dropped it into my "hardware" folder in "Arduino".

It's still saying it can't find boards.txt

I just loaded the ATtiny board files from here:

Everything loaded and my sketches compile without problems. I haven't tried actually loading the sketches yet.

It's still saying it can't find boards.txt

Try following the instructions...

Hi, I has the same problem, It is easy to fix it. Arduino 1.6 has a different directory organization, so, you need to add an extra folder called "avr", cores>tiny>avr>"put all the library files here"

If you have problems to understand me check the other folder styles for cores into your Arduino directory, you need the same organization and subfolders or your IDE do not recognize the new core.

be happy!