Installing Library with a space in it's name

Howdy, I am very new at Arduino so please go easy on me. :wink: I bought this Wi-Fi Shield to use with my Arduino Mega 2560. I've downloaded the library files which are available under description. When I try to install them I get the error message.

'The library "WIFI Shield" cannot be used.
Library names must contain only basic letters and numbers.
(ASCII only and no spaces, and it cannot start with a number)'

Can you please advise how to change the Library name so it complies. (Why would they have a library name that cannot be installed?)

Link to Wi-Fi Shield

If it the library from the page you linked to it is quite old.
Maybe ask the seller to provide a more up to date one that actually has a proper library inside it.

It is a "doit" made shield so there should be some more up to date versions around.

This thread may also be of use.

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You need to select the folder the library is directly under. The "WIFI Shield" folder contains multiple things. The library is in a subfolder.

Select the WIFI Shield\Example code\Library\uartWIFI folder and the library will be installed successfully.

Thank you Pert and Bob for your help. I followed your advice Pert and the library installed correctly.

You're welcome. I'm glad to hear it's working now. Enjoy!