Instruction set reference for Leonardo's ATmega32U4?

The ATmega32U4 data sheet contains an "Instruction Set Summary". Instructions are briefly described, for example:

  • Mnemonic: LDI
  • Operands: Rd, K
  • Description: Load Immediate
  • Operation: Rd ?K
  • Flags: None
  • #Clocks: 1

But what does Load Immediate mean? Is there some comprehensive reference of instructions?

But what does Load Immediate mean?

It means to not wait until later.

Is there some comprehensive reference of instructions?

It's a standard assembly language instruction. You do have an assembly language programming manual, right?

Is there some comprehensive reference of instructions?

Found it, even with examples. :slight_smile:

LDI is explained as: Loads an 8 bit constant directly to register 16 to 31.

It's a standard assembly language instruction. You do have an assembly language programming manual, right?

I've not used assembly too much, but from what I gather an 'assembly language' is architecture defined. As in: there are no standard assembly instructions, they are specific to a CPU's machine codes.

but from what I gather an 'assembly language' is architecture defined. As in: there are no standard assembly instructions,

True, but "immediate" in this context has meant pretty much "the constant specified in the instruction" for just about every architecture since at least the Middle Ages (aka 1970s).