Hello all,
OK, so i have been trying to follow the arduino project example for MKR 1010 (IoT Cloud - getting started), I am using the updated version and I cannot follow the instructions to get the results i am instructed to while following it step for step, as the instructions themselves are basing its steps off the Beta version i think. In the pictures it shows a different format and says IoT Cloud Beta, and the format i am using online it just says IoT Cloud. As a result, when i try to follow the steps, the instructions become unachievable. I am on the Potentiometer step, I have gotten the LED step to work but it has taken ALOT of time to navigate the Updated version while trying to use the Beta version example steps. Also i dont know if this is related but when i create the variable for the Int Angle and link it to my Thing, it doesnt update thingProperties.h like it says it should in the example, i don't know if this is related to the different versions being used or not, if not where can i find the proper link so i can follow along appropriately?
Thank You Very Much!!