Instructions in Beta IoT, working with Updated IoT

Hello all,

OK, so i have been trying to follow the arduino project example for MKR 1010 (IoT Cloud - getting started), I am using the updated version and I cannot follow the instructions to get the results i am instructed to while following it step for step, as the instructions themselves are basing its steps off the Beta version i think. In the pictures it shows a different format and says IoT Cloud Beta, and the format i am using online it just says IoT Cloud. As a result, when i try to follow the steps, the instructions become unachievable. I am on the Potentiometer step, I have gotten the LED step to work but it has taken ALOT of time to navigate the Updated version while trying to use the Beta version example steps. Also i dont know if this is related but when i create the variable for the Int Angle and link it to my Thing, it doesnt update thingProperties.h like it says it should in the example, i don't know if this is related to the different versions being used or not, if not where can i find the proper link so i can follow along appropriately?

Thank You Very Much!!

hi @sceebo,

could you share the link to the tutorial you are using?
As we just launched last week, we're slowly updating the content produced by our teams to reflect the changes.
If you give me the link I can let you know when to expect a new, updated tutorial

thank you

hi @sceebo

sorry for the late reply.
This content is in the process of being updated.
As you may guess it is a big update, but we have a draft ready.
I don't have an ETA but someone from the content team will reply asap :slight_smile:

hey @sceebo

please follow this article as a getting started guide for the new interface and workflow
