int position; was a useful piece of code that someone gave me, but I do not know what it does. It starts just before my servo positions. I think it may have something to do with separating the different servos movement, but I just don't know.
int - integer type
position - variable name.
Here is the example of my code, I basically want to know what the int position; is doing here?
int position;
motor.step(100, FORWARD, DOUBLE);//more torque
servo1.write(90); // Tell servo-1 to go to 90 degrees
delay(1000); // Pause to get it time to move
It is creating a variable called position that presumably is used somewhere eise. If it is not used, you can remove it. Often these can be left around by accident when changes in other places eliminate the need for the original variable.
Then your right. I do not see it anywhere else. Thank you.