Integrating smoothing into a Grove Duster Sensor sketch

I'm very new to Arduino and I'm trying to determine the best(/least bulky) way to smooth the data on this basic sketch. I'd like to use an average of 4 parts. Here's the code:

int pin = 8;
unsigned long duration;
unsigned long starttime;
unsigned long sampletime_ms = 30000;
unsigned long lowpulseoccupancy = 0;
float ratio = 0;
float concentration = 0;

void setup() 
    starttime = millis();

void loop() 
    duration = pulseIn(pin, LOW);
    lowpulseoccupancy = lowpulseoccupancy+duration;

    if ((millis()-starttime) > sampletime_ms)
        ratio = lowpulseoccupancy/(sampletime_ms*10.0);  
        concentration = 1.1*pow(ratio,3)-3.8*pow(ratio,2)+520*ratio+0.62;
        lowpulseoccupancy = 0;
        starttime = millis();

I read the tutorial, and have seen a few other codes on different pages, but a lot of them seemed bulky, or were specific to certain sensors. I was hoping to just get a suggestion of the most efficient way to do this- is it introducing 4 concentration variables and dividing them? Or is there something I can do that's more clever?

Thank you in advance for your time. I know this is probably a silly question, but as I said, I'm very new!

I have solved the issue on my own. Not sure how to delete! Thank you for reading though!