I have this project with a relay. My kitchen lamp has 4 light bulbs but I just have one ON/OFF switch to control all 4's.
I want to use an Arduino to code and close the relays output according to on how I use the switch (in time).
A series of incremental relay activated: SWITCH PRESSED OFF-ON all 4 lamps at first (4 relays closed), SWITCH PRESSED OFF-ON 1 lamp, SWITCH PRESSED OFF-ON 2 lamps, SWITCH PRESSED OFF-ON 3 lamp, SWITCH PRESSED OFF-ON 4 lamp.
Activating the switch quickly OFF-ON-OFF-ON could go directly to the 1 lamp relay setting OR all 4 lamps relay setting.
I made tests with a MOMENTARY PUSH BUTTON (this is not the usual house light switch).
I found this project and modified it to add a function to turn the lights.
However, this project is only a template with 2 LEDS. I need to work with 4 LEDS and a different switch.
My question is:
Does anybody have a suggestion on how I could emulate the OFF-ON trigger action with a Push Button on a Breadboard and how to translate that into programming?
Here is what I have so far. Please bare with me I have no programming background:
Source: https://programmingelectronics.com/make-one-button-functionality-two-arduino/
/*Using a Single Button, create mutliple options based on how long the button is pressed
The circuit:
LED attached from pin 13 to ground through a 220 ohm resistor
LED attached from pin 12 to ground through a 220 ohm resistor
one side of momentary pushbutton attached to pin 2
other side of momentary pushbutton attached to Ground
Note 1: on most Arduinos there is already an LED on the board
attached to pin 13.Note 2: In this circuit, when the button is pressed, Ground Voltage is what will be applied.
Created DEC 2014 by Scuba Steve
Modified JAN 2015 by Michael James
Both members of https://programmingelectronics.comThis code is in the public domain
*//////////Declare and Initialize Variables////////////////////////////
//We need to track how long the momentary pushbutton is held in order to execute different commands
//This value will be recorded in seconds
float pressLength_milliSeconds = 0;// Define the minimum length of time, in milli-seconds, that the button must be pressed for a particular option to occur
int optionOne_milliSeconds = 100;
int optionTwo_milliSeconds = 2000;
int optionThree_milliSeconds = 4000;//The Pin your button is attached to
int buttonPin = 2;//Pin your LEDs are attached to
int ledPin_Option_1 = 13;
int ledPin_Option_2 = 12;void setup(){
// Initialize the pushbutton pin as an input pullup
// Keep in mind, when pin 2 has ground voltage applied, we know the button is being pressed
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);//set the LEDs pins as outputs
pinMode(ledPin_Option_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin_Option_2, OUTPUT);//Start serial communication - for debugging purposes only
Serial.begin(9600);} // close setup
void loop() {
//Record roughly the tenths of seconds the button in being held down
while (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW ){delay(100); //if you want more resolution, lower this number
pressLength_milliSeconds = pressLength_milliSeconds + 100;//display how long button is has been held
Serial.print("ms = ");
Serial.println(pressLength_milliSeconds);}//close while
//Different if-else conditions are triggered based on the length of the button press
//Start with the longest time option first//Option OFF - Execute the third option (LOW) if the button is held for the correct amount of time
if (pressLength_milliSeconds >= optionThree_milliSeconds){digitalWrite(ledPin_Option_1, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin_Option_2, LOW);}
//Option 2 - Execute the second option if the button is held for the correct amount of time
if (pressLength_milliSeconds >= optionTwo_milliSeconds){digitalWrite(ledPin_Option_2, HIGH);
//Option OFF - Execute the third option (LOW) if the button is held for the correct amount of time
if (pressLength_milliSeconds >= optionThree_milliSeconds){digitalWrite(ledPin_Option_1, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin_Option_2, LOW);}
//option 1 - Execute the first option if the button is held for the correct amount of time
else if(pressLength_milliSeconds >= optionOne_milliSeconds){digitalWrite(ledPin_Option_1, HIGH);
//Option OFF - Execute the third option (LOW) if the button is held for the correct amount of time
if (pressLength_milliSeconds >= optionThree_milliSeconds){digitalWrite(ledPin_Option_1, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin_Option_2, LOW);}
//close if options
//every time through the loop, we need to reset the pressLength_Seconds counter
pressLength_milliSeconds = 0;} // close void loop