Inter Pan communication with Xbee modules

I was wondering if anyone tried to accomplish Inter Pan communication with Xbee modules. Or if it's truely impossible?

Hope you guys can help.

The P in PAN stands for what?

Personal, and you got Intra Pan which the xbee modules normaly use which means that they can only recieve packets with the same Pan ID. But Inter Pan transmissions make it possible to do a unsecure single hop transmission, which is needed in some applications such as the commissioning part of Zigbee Light Link.

As far as I know, an XBee on one PAN can only talk to other XBees on the same PAN.

I know thats why I'm trying to figure out if it is possible in any way, digi cant give me an answer cause when I ask about inter pan transmission the help desk doesn't even know what I'm talking about. I'm just trying to find away around it if that is possible. Else I need to get new radio modules and than I probably have to change my whole program around.

digi cant give me an answer cause when I ask about inter pan transmission the help desk doesn't even know what I'm talking about.

Perhaps the terms inter pan and intra pan are confusing them. Ask directly if there is any way for an XBee on one PAN to talk to an XBee on another PAN.

Perhaps the terms inter pan and intra pan are confusing them. Ask directly if there is any way for an XBee on one PAN to talk to an XBee on another PAN.

Thats the problem, I did and also said with it that it is a optional part of the Smart Energy profile. He also said I don't think it's possible "yet", please contact sales to see what it takes to implement this function.

I also just got a answer from Drew Gallison the writer of zigbee wireless networking which said that Xbee modules should be able to do InterPan transmission. The only problem might be that the Stacks available now, might not support it. So I'm going to download those stacks and see if I can wrap my head around it and maybe if I can find how to implement it.