Interface arduino projects over the internet

Hello arduino community,

lately I was working on a project called jubito that allows me to expose and interface my arduino projects over the internet or lan, and I'd like to share it.

It comes in two flavors, Windows and Linux.

Here is the website for more information

Any feedback would be helpful!


Hi John

I've just downloaded Jubito and I have configured the web server on my home computer. I can access this using the hostname from the same computer. I have used the computer's ip address to try and connect over the internet but this has been unsuccessful. The server is on a pc connected to the internet via an ISP. I found my (internet) ip address by using one of the numerous sites such as whatismyip. I also used the recommended format (http://ip address:port/www/index.html) to try and access the server. I did alter the AppConfig.xml accordingly.

I have also found another glitch with the dashboard. Clicking on the icons has no effect.

One piece of good news is that I have managed to change the default .css

Your software looks really useful and I can't wait to get it running. Any help would be greatly appreciated


Hi there, it's a new version available you can download and try. Web server has a lot of improvements.

About your issues.

  1. are you sure your ip address is a static and doesn't change? Have you try dyndns?
  • Your pc won't have to be a server.
    When you click start button status changed to started?
  1. icons checkin checkout should correspond to AppConfig.xml Instruction sets. View index.html to see where they point. Gmail icon will work if you go to control panel and setup an account. User status correspond to an instruction set that evaluate user status and act respectively. for example if your status is absent that will cause a change to present and vice versa.

this is a screenshot of the new layout

you can view more here...

Hi John

I've just downloaded Jubito and I have configured the web server on my home computer. I can access this using the hostname from the same computer. I have used the computer's ip address to try and connect over the internet but this has been unsuccessful. The server is on a pc connected to the internet via an ISP. I found my (internet) ip address by using one of the numerous sites such as whatismyip. I also used the recommended format (http://ip address:port/www/index.html) to try and access the server. I did alter the AppConfig.xml accordingly.

I have also found another glitch with the dashboard. Clicking on the icons has no effect.

One piece of good news is that I have managed to change the default .css

Your software looks really useful and I can't wait to get it running. Any help would be greatly appreciated


jubito is updated with the latest jaNET framework v0.2.0

Also a client app for android is released!

Video demo

A series of tutorials has been added to the blog. More will follow!

jubito blog

Thanks for your support.