Hello all,
I'm trying to get an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense to communicate with Unity over the serial port. I'm doing this on a Windows 10 and the latest version of Unity. I've connected an Arduino Uno to Unity using both Uduino and Ardity and have not had any problems. However, when I try to connect the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense, I begin experiencing connection issues.
I've made sure the baudrate is the same across all platforms and that I'm using the correct serial port.
Sometimes, when I connect my Arduino Nano 33 BLE to my computer, I get a message saying that Windows does not recognize this USB device. When I double click the reset button on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE, it comes up with a new name for the serialport and is able to recognize my device again. I have no problems uploading code to the Arduino. However, when I try to connect it to Unity via Uduino, Unity claims that no serial ports are available. When I do this over Ardity, I get a message saying that there is a connection, but I am unable to send data between platforms.
Sometimes, I am able to establish a connection between the Arduino Nano 33 BLE and Uduino that lasts briefly until Windows claims to no longer recognize the device and makes me do the reset button trick to change the name of the serial device. At this point, Uduino can longer detect any serial connections.
I would appreciate any help with this!
Thank you!