Interfacing Arduino Uno with FM Transmitter

Hey guys I'm quite new to electronics and seem to be having some issue with my arduino talking to my sparkfun fm transmitter. The code running on the arduino seems to be fine so I'm wondering if I did something silly on the breadboard as the transmitter does not seem to be transmitting at all :(.

Here's the circuit diagram and some pictures of the breadboard.


Based off this thread here.

What is is supposed to do?

Can you post the code that should work but doesn't and explain what it does and what it should do?


Code I'm using is below. Arduino communicates with with my pc ok however the desired effect of transmitting on 97.3 MHz is not occurring as my FM radio is picking up nothing but white noise instead of the tones.

    Cai Maver, caimaver(at)
    ARRRduino+NS73M v0.3
    This code allows an Arduino Diecimila to control an NS73M FM Transmitter Module (Arrr matey!)
    This sets the NS73M (available from Sparkfun, SKU#: WRL-08482) to transmit
    at 2mW with 75us pre-emphasis (the standard for North America) on 97.3 MHz.
    Use this formula to determine the register values for a new transmitting frequency (f):
    (f + 0.304)/0.008192 <-- use only the whole number and convert the result to 
                           16-bit binary where the lower byte goes in register 3 
                           and the upper byte goes in register 4
                           ex.: for 97.3 MHz, (97.3 + 0.304)/0.008192 = 11914.55...
                                11914 = B0010111010001010 so Reg 3=B10001010 and Reg 4=B00101110
    A future version of this code will allow for on-the-fly frequency changes
    Thanks to Nathan Seidle at Sparkfun and Jim "ZAPNSPARK" G. for sharing their NS73M code!

int CK = 12;  //clock pin
int DA = 11;  //data pin
int LA = 10;  //latch pin

void setup(){
  Serial.begin(9600);  //begin Serial connection for debugging 
  pinMode(CK, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LA, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(LA, LOW); //unlatch transmitter 
  delay(100);            //Wait for VDD to settle
  spi_send(0x0E, B00000101); //Software reset

  spi_send(0x01, B10110100); //Register 1: forced subcarrier, pilot tone on
  spi_send(0x02, B00000011); //Register 2: Unlock detect off, 2mW Tx Power

  spi_send(0x03, B10001010); //Register 3: Set broadcast freq to 97.3, lower byte
  spi_send(0x04, B00101110); //Register 4: Set broadcast freq to 97.3, upper byte

  spi_send(0x08, B00011010); //Register 8: set Osc on band 2

  spi_send(0x00, B10100001); //Register 0: 200mV audio input, 75us pre-emphasis on, crystal off, power on
  spi_send(0x0E, B00000101); //Software reset
  spi_send(0x06, B00011110); //Register 6: charge pumps at 320uA and 80 uA
  Serial.print("Transmitting");  //for debugging


void loop(){


void spi_send(byte reg, byte data)  //routine to send Register Address and Data as LSB-first SPI
    int x;
    int n;
    digitalWrite(LA, LOW);
    for(x = 0 ; x < 4 ; x++)           //send four-bit register address
        digitalWrite(CK, LOW);         //Toggle the SPI clock
        n = (reg >> x) & 1;            //n is the xth bit of the register byte
        if (n == 1){
            digitalWrite(DA, HIGH);    //Put high bit on SPI data bus
        else {
            digitalWrite(DA, LOW);     //Put low bit on SPI data bus
        Serial.print(n);               //send bit to serial connection for debugging
        digitalWrite(CK, HIGH);        //Toggle the SPI clock

    for(x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x++)           //send eight-bit register data
        digitalWrite(CK, LOW);         //Toggle the SPI clock
        n = (data >> x) & 1;
        if (n == 1){
            digitalWrite(DA, HIGH);    //Put high bit on SPI data bus
        else {
            digitalWrite(DA, LOW);    //Put low bit on SPI data bus
        Serial.print(n);              //send bit to serial connection for debugging
        digitalWrite(CK, HIGH);       //Toggle the SPI clock
    delayMicroseconds(1);             //might not be needed, supposedly unstable command anyway
    digitalWrite(LA, HIGH);           //Latch this transfer
    digitalWrite(LA, LOW);
    digitalWrite(CK, LOW);            //This is to keep CK pin at 0V at end of data transfer
    Serial.print("\n");               // send new-line to serial for debugging

You haven't answered my question "what is it supposed to do?" - all you have done is give me some code to read.

The reason I asked the question is so that you would think about your project in order to give me an answer. I get the impression that you didn't bother.

It looks like the Arduino is intended to switch the transmitter on or off and set it to the right frequency? is that correct?

Is that code EXACTLY as you got it? And is your device wired up EXACTLY according to the instructions?

Where doe the "tone" come from? Your diagram shows nothing connected to the left and right input pins.
