actually i am trying to sent a message with the help of arduino leonardo and Sim 900 gsm modem(sms application note: i couldn't.i am using this code
void setup()
Serial.println("set up comms");
actually i am trying to sent a message with the help of arduino leonardo and Sim 900 gsm modem(sms application note: i couldn't.i am using this code
void setup()
Serial.println("set up comms");
Have you confirmed that said device is functioning? If not, and it is the common shield, go here and follow the instructions to check it using Serial Relay
Is the SIM card activated? Can you send a text / sms from a 'phone?
how to select the baudrate?i dnt have any idea in selecting baud rate for system Serial.println(9800).and for gsm modem the maximum configurable rate is 115200().thats y Serial1.println(115200).if it is wrong correct it with the correct code.
Would you generous people please help me, I need to interface SIM900 GSM module with arduino LEONARDO and GPS shield at the same time. Please please please help me
How are you selecting that baud rate in the Serial Monitor?
Is that the correct baud rate to talk to you GSM device? How IS the GSM device connected to the Arduino? Is the GSM device using pins 0 and 1?
It would be a lot better if YOU used the space key now and then. Your"link"doesn'tworkbecauseyoudidn'tleavespacesaroundit.
Would you generous people please help me, I need to interface SIM900 GSM module with arduino LEONARDO and GPS shield at the same time. Please please please help me