Interfacing Logitech 3D Pro with Arduino for 2 Dc motor Control

Hi everyone ,

Want to control 2 dc motor of robot using Logitech 3D Pro Joystick and Arduino Uno. ( Speed and direction)

Can anyone please help me out with the coding especially for x and y and pwm , I mean central main logic.

I have usb shield connected to Arduino with library 2.0 installed and have Le3dp. Will be giving this output to a motor Driver with PWM input duty cycle.

Thanks in advance

Sure. We help people do this kind of thing all the time!

What have you tried?
I suggest that you separate the tasks and tackle them individually first.
Read the joystick and print the readings to the serial monitor.
In a different sketch, test running the motors.
Then put them together.
Let us know if you have any issues along the way.