I posted this in a different topic and received only one response....I'm hoping the people that
follow this channel might have more experience.
Something similar has been discussed before:
But the answer was not complete enough to help me with my project.
I want to read information off of a Logitech Dual Action Gamepad.....and use it to
control a robotic arm.
The Github link:
Provides a great library and examples.
I'm able to implement reading the gamepad and getting the read out on the Serial Monitor.
Thankful for that.
But as the original poster asked....and now I'd love to know..... how do you transfer the information
printed to the Serial Monitor in the hidjoystickrptparser.cpp program into the arduino program.
It was suggested in the original post that you just put code in the .cpp program...but I have
to believe there is a better way to make it "available" to the normal Arduino environment.
Help would be greatly appreciated.