Interfacing MT8870 DTMF decoder with Arduino Mega 2560

How to connect the 4 BCD output of the MT8870 to the arduino so that a particular relay can be controlled when a specific button is dialed? Thanks

datasheet link?

MT8870 is a dtmf decoder.. here is the link to its data sheet:,dtmf%20decoder.pdf

Here is some code for an Arduino (written for the NG, IIRC) and here is a schematic that may or may not go with aforementioned code. (most likely difference is the reversal of Q1-Q4 due to upside-down mounting of my SMT 8870 on a single sided PCB).

Note it uses direct port manipulation (PORTD) and interrupts.


Thanks...but could u kindly tell me how can i interface MT8870 with my Arduino Mega 2560 board and how to program so that i can turn on or off a realy when a particular BCD is generated? A circuit diagram will be highly appreciated.

google is your friend:

try something like 'mt8870 arduino' in the search line and then start clicking. People aren't going to design and build it for you; do some work up front, then ask specific questions.

Thank You.

If you want to save your arduino for something else.

Is it possible to reset the DTMF signal after the mobile phone button is released ?
Please Help !!