I'm trying to wire a thermistor into one of the Maestro inputs, so it can then move a servo.
Would anyone perchance have a schematic and some code for that?
I'm trying to wire a thermistor into one of the Maestro inputs, so it can then move a servo.
Would anyone perchance have a schematic and some code for that?
Use an Arduino (MCU) to read the analog value. Then use your transfer function to find the values to write to maestro
Use an Arduino (MCU) to read the analog value. Then use your transfer function to find the values to write to maestro
Yeah I have the values. Just no clue on the code. I can't even plagiarize some. So little support for it due to it using C# language.
I'm completely in the dark. I would need schematic and code.
Get the Arduino library from Pololu here.
Download the zip-file. (I guess it downlods to your 'downloads' folder)
Then, in the Arduino IDE: select 'Include library' from the menu system...U'll find 'Add to ZIP..'
Guide the IDE to the .zip-file -> click 'open'
To read your NTC.. Start here
Nice knut. I didn't think i could use Arduino code (C++?) with Maestro (C#?)
I'll give that a shot. But even with just using an arduino I can't get the code right to get the servo to work with thermistor, so we'll see.
I have the maestro controlling 4 other servos wit pushbutton just fine.
This should work just perfect: Arduino reads the NTC, calculates and send correct serial message to serve-controller
Well I bought the Maestro so it would run independently. If I HAVE to attach an Arduino also, I mind as well just not use the Maestro. It uses some language called FOURTH. wth.
I don't mind just using an Arduino. I just like the Maestro being smaller than a Quarter.
Post a link to your maestro..
It looks to me like the servocontroller want serial data to control servos ?
If that is the case it will have difficulties reading a NTC -> need of a microcontroller
There ARE small ones like the pro mini/micro. (Even an ATtiny85 can control a servo)