Interfacing with a Xbee Wireless Module

EDIT: Ok, I figured it out. I think I wasn't supplying enough voltage to the input rx pin to register a HIGH.

Hi. Currently I am having some difficulty communicating serially to my xbee module. It seems that when I use the softserial library my circuit communicates ok to the xbee module connected to my PC. However, when I try to communicate through serial in hardware through rx/tx pins 0 and 1 I can transmit but cannot receive. When using pins 0 and 1 I disconnect the USB and power it using a 12V adapter, so it is my assumption that those pins should be working with the internal uart of the atmega chip.

Any ideas as to why my circuit communicates fine over pins 2 and 3 through soft serial, but not 0 and 1 using hardware and the arduino serial library?