Interfacing with different hardware/controllers

What hardware can I use with Arduino/AVR?
How should i choose sensors, drivers, controllers... ?
Thank you.


This should keep you busy for a few hours

OK, I've already read it :slight_smile:
But what about all the other hardware?
For example, what parameters should have a sensor
in order to be used with Arduino?

For example, what parameters should have a sensor
in order to be used with Arduino?

Well, generally, if it's an analogue sensor (or even a digital one!), output voltages must not exceed the MCU's supply voltage.

But "sensor" is a very broad term and covers a lot of interconnect technologies, so there is no simple answer to your question.

there is no simple answer to your question.

There's no complex answer either. All sensors are different and a lot will need some form of input conditioning to interface with a 5V logic system. You need to take it on a case by case basis. You known the input requirements of the ATmega chip (it's in the ATmega data sheet). You know what sensor you want so you look in its data sheet and see what it gives.

Then you look to see if they match, if they do not you design some circuit to make them match.

And let me put in a ringing endorsement here for the value of a curator!

One of the things that I like about (US) vendors like adafruit and SparkFun is that they curate product offerings for Arduino. Instead of having to spend days combing through DigiKey's or Mouser's teraplex of listings of all known products in a category, these sites usually offer just one product in a category: E.g., "try this Hall Effect sensor; we've tested a bunch and this one works great for applications like... And, here's how to hook it up and write a simple test program."

There is enormous value in this curation and I like to support those vendors in recognition of that value.

Thank you, guys!