I have an RFID reader from Wavetrend that works at a baud rate of 57600. There is only one pin (data out) other than power and ground, and that pin has to connect to the serial pin on the arduino because the digital pins can only be read with speeds of up to 9600 (I got this from the software serial library). Each byte has a start bit, a stop bit and no parity. I haven't been able to confirm how the serial port reads data; does it look for a start bit, stop bit and parity? I am able to read some data that corresponds to what I expect, but it seems that some bytes are lost. I am suspecting that arduino doesn't use start/stop bits on the serial port, or that the start/stop bit is different, and so some of the start and stop bits are read as data. Is there a way I can modify the Serial.read() function? Is there a way I can read bit by bit at a baud rate of 57600?
Another solution that came to mind is reading this data using a different processor altogether and then passing that to the arduino board. any suggestions?