Interfacing with Siemens DL2416T Display

I have quite a few of these displays that I removed from a board, and Im wondering if anyone has interfaced one (or many) to an Arduino board before. Ive found someone who interfaced one to a PIC; his schematic is here, and the code he used is here. Hopefully this helps a little.

The datasheet for the DL2416T is here.

Ive never written my own library or code to interface on a binary level (ie. pull the transmit line low, send out 10010101 on d0-d7, etc) so hopefully someone else has worked with one of these before, or with something similar, so that I have somewhere to start :slight_smile: Thanks for looking!


Yes, I have a few myself and they really aren't that hard to talk to... it just eats up a lot of I/O pins since these were designed to talk to chips like the 8080 and the 6800 which had a different style (and more "externally" available) address and data bus. It was easy to memory map the 8 bit data pins to a memory location and simply write to it. (note: you aren't really using all 8 bits for the display)

You can simulate that communication much easier with shift register and some additional pins for chip enable and other selects although most of these can be kept a particular logic level and left that way... since you aren't using the memory mapping it was designed for.

I'm sorry to say that this was one of my first arduino breadboard projects and I no longer have the code. (Well, I can't find it right now if I managed to save it)

You don't really need to create complex library for it. Just some SETUP (chip enables) , a write routine that sets the digit address bits and your calls to it with ASCII values for what you want to display.

If I have time... I might just recreate what I did... I have also used the PD2435 which is very similar to interface. (It is dot matrix versus led segments but the process of loading data on the 8 bit data bus is quite similar)

I didn't write a library, sorry.