hello. I am trying to interface wifi shield with arduino mega. can some one please tell me if its possible? if yes, how should i connect various pins. I am also trying to interface sd card module to mega. but even though i had made the connections as follows, its unable to detect the card. Please help me.
5V pin to the 5V pin on the Arduino
GND pin to the GND pin on the Arduino
CLK to pin 52
DO to pin 50
DI to pin 51
CS to pin 53
there are also few pins cd1, cd2, pin1, pin8 on sd card module that i don't know where to connect.
it has provision for both 5v and 3.3v interfacing. i tried both the operating voltages but there is no detection of sd card.
i changed the fat table to 16bit or 32bit. is there any problem becauseof that?
Do i have to write any image on sd card before using it? it was the suggestion from a friend.