Interrupt fires once

I am working on a project that will control an aquaruim light and I want to use a slide switch on an interrupt to switch between the two main "modes" of the controller. I am currently having a problem of it only switching the first time I switch the flip then being unresponsive until i hit the reset button.

code below

// Create an aquarium light with a controller assembly.

const int redPin = 11;
const int greenPin = 10;
const int bluePin = 9;
const int sw1 = 2;
const int btn1 = 3;
volatile int switch1 =  LOW;
int button1 = 0;
int oldbtn = 0;
void setup()
  pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);


void loop()  //method for switching between modes
  switch1 = digitalRead(sw1);
  if (switch1 == LOW){
  else {

void monoColor() //the single color loop
  int color = 0;  //tells me which color I have active
  while (switch1 == LOW){
    button1 = digitalRead(btn1);  //method for switching colors
    if ((button1 == HIGH) && (oldbtn == LOW)){
      if (color < 3){
        color = color ++;
      else {
        color = 0;
    oldbtn = button1;  //this value is old store it

    switch (color){
    case 0:
      digitalWrite (redPin,HIGH);
      digitalWrite (greenPin,HIGH);
      digitalWrite (bluePin,HIGH);
    case 1:
      digitalWrite (redPin,LOW);
      digitalWrite (greenPin,HIGH);
      digitalWrite (bluePin,HIGH);
    case 2:
      digitalWrite (redPin,LOW);
      digitalWrite (greenPin,LOW);
      digitalWrite (bluePin,HIGH);
    case 3:
      digitalWrite (redPin,LOW);
      digitalWrite (greenPin,LOW);
      analogWrite (bluePin,50);
    }  //close switch
  }  //close while loop
}  //close monoColor
void dayMode()
  //while (oldbtn == LOW){
  digitalWrite (redPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (greenPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite (bluePin, LOW);
  delay (1000000);
void interrupt()
  switch1 = !switch1; 

please note that the dayMode had not been implemented and just turns the LEDs red as a signal to me)

The button is hooked up with an external pull-down resistor. I am also using a capacitor in parallel for debouncing.

sw1 is set to 2. On the 328-based Arduinos, that is the interrupt 0 pin. Why are you reading it in loop()? Is it for the interrupt, or not?

Tools + Auto Format and proper use of white space would make your code more readable.

You need to decide whether you're using polling or interrupts to read the switch. At the moment you're doing both, which is likely to end in a mess. Nothing here suggests that interrupts are needed to solve this problem. Chuck away the interrupt handler, and decide whether you really want the monoColor() function to loop until you change the switch state. If so, you need to update switch1 within the while loop otherwise it will just hang there.

Also decide whether you really want your sketch to hang for 1000 seconds after it detects the switch is HIGH; that seems like a strange thing to do.

the idea was to get the state of the switch (sw1) at startup and let it go into a subroutine based on what it read then use the interrupt to pull it out of that state. The sketch hanging for 1000 seconds was so that I could have something quick to imitate a feature that is not implemented which will likely end up with a 12 hour delay as it cycles through.