Interrupt pin used for I2C protocol?

Hello i was wondering if someone could help me find out the default pin used on the atmega328p that is responsible for the interrupt routine that is used by the i2c protocol? I might be looking in the wrong place but i cant seem to find it in the atmega328p datasheeet. Thank you.

Why do you think there is a seperate pin, apart from SCL\SDA used by the I2C for interrupts ?

The TWI interface will be quite happy to deal with interrupts internally, detecting activity via the SCl\SDA bus pins.

Thanks for the response!
I am practicing device driver development and i am trying to create a i2c device driver for my beaglebone black so that it can communicate with an arduino which would act as the slave. In order to accomplish this i would also need to write a device tree overlay for my beaglebone black so that it know that the arduino is on the i2c bus.

The reason why i thought that there may be a pin that is used for i2c interrupt is because of an example that i am currently working through(link below). Here is the example device tree which shows the interrupt configuration on the device tree which is taken from the link:


mpu9150@69 {
	compatible = "invensense,mpu9150";
	reg = <0x69> ;
	interrupt-parent = <&gpio0> ;
	interrupts = <23 1> ;

here is an excerpt from the website:
To use a MPU 9DOF Click that has MPU-9150 9-axis motion tracking component, the appropriate information must be added to the device tree. This Click communicates with the host using I2C and has a single interrupt line to the processor....

The INT pin of the peripheral header, which is used for interrupts from the MPU 9DOF Click, is connected to the GPMC_AD9 pin of the OSD335x (which is the GPMC_AD9 pin of AM335x, see the Lesson 2 board schematics for more information). The GPMC_AD9 pin is also available to the system as bit 23 in GPIO bank 0 (see the Pin Attributes section of AM335x datasheet). Hence, the interrupt-parent for this device is a phandle for gpio0 node and the first value of interrupts property is 23. The second value of the interrupts property is used to describe the behavior of the interrupt, i.e. the trigger type and level, which can be found in the AM335x TRM

So i figured that there may be an interrupt pin associated with i2c but perhaps i may be wrong and the interrupt is used for something else. Im still trying to figure out everything i need to implement into the device tree so that the beagle bone black will detect the arduino(i know that reg and compatible entries are need for the address and corresponding driver respectively).

For the AVR-based Arduinos, see the I2C section of the data sheet for the details on I2C interrupts.

They don't seem relevant to your task, but you could dedicate an output pin on the Arduino to act like "data ready" on a sensor.