I have an Arduino UNO connected to a GY-85 IMU sensor and a DS3231 RTC. The GY-85 Comprises an ADXL345 accelerometer, QMC5883L magnetometer, and ITG3200 Gyroscope. Both the Gyroscope and the RTC have the same I2C addresses i.e. 0x68. I found on the internet that the ITG3200 has 2 addresses i.e. 0x68 and 0x69. How can I change the default 0x68 address of the gyroscope to 0x69? This is the GY-85 IMU sensor that I am using:
This is a schematic of the module: http://www.haoyuelectronics.com/Attachment/GY-85/GY-85-SCH.jpg
The AD0 pin of the ITG3200 has to be connected to 3.3V instead of GND. That is not easy.
Modern IMU sensors have accelerometer + gyro + magnetometer in a single chip. You also need a module that is compatible with a 5V Arduino board or you could buy a 3.3V Arduino board, such as a MKR board with the SAMD21 processor.
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