i am using the adafruit ili9341 libary with my display and have a switch connected to a pin on the arduino to interrupt the arduino of drawing bitmaps.
Now am i continously writting bitmaps to the display and it needs to check the button for presses and when pressed do fillscreen.
It takes 3 seconds to draw a bitmap.
But after each bitmap is drawd on the display it checks for button press.
So when i press the button when a bitmap isnt completly drawed on the display it doesnt do fillscreen.
So i think when i use interrupts to interrupt the bitmap drawing to fill the screen that it should work.
But i dont know exactly how to do it and if it is possible.
i tried to do this in setup
attachinterrupt(2, do_fill, LOW);
And make a function for it
void do_fill()
but it doesnt work.
when i try it gives white screen.
and when i remove the attachinterupt function it starts drawing bitmaps but the button doesnt work.
can any help my?
Or is there another way to do what i want?