Interrupts & Servos

I'm trying to create a program to when I push a button it interrupts and changes which servo is receiving the distance sensor value. I need to use a interrupt because I'm wanting the servos to receive a "live" feed from the distance sensor.
Here is Jeremy Blum's Code (Tutorial 10 for Arduino: Interrupts + Debouncing –

//Program by Jeremy Blum
//Use hardware Debounced Switch to Control Interrupt

//Setup the Button
int buttonInt = 0; //AKA digital pin 2

//Setup the LEDs
int yellowLED = 11;
int redLED = 10;
int greenLED = 9;
int nullLED = 6;
volatile int selectedLED = greenLED;

//Setup the Distance Sensor
int distPin = 0;

void setup()
  pinMode (redLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (greenLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (yellowLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (nullLED, OUTPUT);
  attachInterrupt(buttonInt, swap, RISING);

void swap()
  if (selectedLED == greenLED)
    selectedLED = redLED;
  else if (selectedLED == redLED)
    selectedLED = yellowLED;
  else if (selectedLED == yellowLED)
    selectedLED = nullLED;
    selectedLED = greenLED;

void loop()
  //Read Distance Sensor
  int dist = analogRead(distPin);
  int brightness = map(dist, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
  //Control LED Brightness
  analogWrite(selectedLED, brightness);


I was thinking of changing the led's to servos:

void swap()
  if (selectedServo == servoPin)
    selectedServo = servoExample;
  else (selectedServo == servoExample)
    selectedServo = servoPin;

Except this does not work.

How can I achieve this?

void swap()
  if (selectedServo == servoPin)
    selectedServo = servoExample;
  else (selectedServo == servoExample)
    selectedServo = servoPin;

Sort out your swap function. As it stands it makes no sense at all.


I need to use a interrupt

Doesn't seem very likely.


void swap()

  if (selectedServo == servoPin)
    selectedServo = servoExample;
  else (selectedServo == servoExample)
    selectedServo = servoPin;

Sort out your swap function. As it stands it makes no sense at all.


I disagree - this bit

void swap()
  if (selectedServo == servoPin)
    selectedServo = servoExample;

makes sense.

Yes but the rest does not. OP needs to learn to read the code ne has writen.


Yes but the rest does not. OP needs to learn to read the code ne has writen.


Oh! The irony :wink:

Yes but the rest does not. OP needs to learn to read the code ne has writen.

Among other things, you misspelled stolen.